Tüm Makaleler

NAD + Öncüsü: Glikoz Metabolizması ve CRP Düzenleyicisi
NAD + Öncüsü: Glikoz Metabolizması ve CRP Düzenleyicisi

  Introduction Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a critical coenzyme in cells, a central cofactor of redox reaction and a central regulator of various metabolisms in the human body. It is involved in a

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Ginsenosid Rh2'nin Omurilik Yaralanması Sonrası Motor Fonksiyon Üzerindeki Onarıcı Etkisi
Ginsenosid Rh2'nin Omurilik Yaralanması Sonrası Motor Fonksiyon Üzerindeki Onarıcı Etkisi

  Introduction Spinal cord injury (SCI) can lead to severe impairments in motor, sensory, and autonomic nervous system functions. It has been reported that motor function recovery can be promoted by mediatin

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CCH'nin Neden Olduğu Kognitif Bozukluğu İyileştirmede NR'nin Nöroprotektif Potansiyeli
CCH'nin Neden Olduğu Kognitif Bozukluğu İyileştirmede NR'nin Nöroprotektif Potansiyeli

  Introduction Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion (CCH) has been identified as one of the initial conditions critical to the development of cognitive impairment, which is tightly associated to the complex neurologic

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Biyomimetik Lipozomlar MM-LIP-Rg3/PNS'nin İskemik İnme Üzerine Terapötik Etkileri
Biyomimetik Lipozomlar MM-LIP-Rg3/PNS'nin İskemik İnme Üzerine Terapötik Etkileri

  Introduction Stroke remains the second leading cause of death and the third leading cause of death and disability combined in the world, as reported in 2019 Global Burden of Disease Study. Ischemic stroke

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Ginsenosid Rg3'ün MI/R Üzerine Farmakolojik Etkileri ve Potansiyel Mekanizmaları
Ginsenosid Rg3'ün MI/R Üzerine Farmakolojik Etkileri ve Potansiyel Mekanizmaları

  Introduction Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (MI/R) can damage the heart muscle, which may contribute to further cardiomyocyte death. Following percutaneous coronary intervention therapy, patients with MI/

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NMN (Nükleer Santral) (Nükleer Santral)'nin Depresif Benzeri Davranışlar Üzerindeki Profilaktik Etkileri
NMN (Nükleer Santral) (Nükleer Santral)'nin Depresif Benzeri Davranışlar Üzerindeki Profilaktik Etkileri

  Introduction According to the report by World Health Organization (WHO) in 2017, depression is the third leading cause of the global disease burden, with over 300 million people suffering from this disease w

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 S-NAD (İngilizce) (İngilizce)'ın Potansiyelinden Yararlanmak: BONTAC'tan Yenilikçi Çözümler
S-NAD (İngilizce) (İngilizce)'ın Potansiyelinden Yararlanmak: BONTAC'tan Yenilikçi Çözümler

Thanks to our unrelenting dedication to creating cutting-edge solutions that push the frontiers of scientific development, BONTAC has long been at the forefront of the biochemical sector. We are excited to present o

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 Ginsenosid İzolasyonuna Öncü Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar
Ginsenosid İzolasyonuna Öncü Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar

Our unshakable dedication to maximizing the potential of traditional Chinese medicine has propelled BONTAC to the forefront of the natural products sector for a considerable amount of time. We are thrilled to presen

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Yenilikçi Biyoteknoloji ile Geleneksel Çin Tıbbında Devrim Yaratmak
Yenilikçi Biyoteknoloji ile Geleneksel Çin Tıbbında Devrim Yaratmak

Our unwavering quest of innovation at BONTAC has always been sparked by our profound grasp of the natural world and its unrealized potential. We are excited to present our ground-breaking solutions today, which are

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